
Organic Honey

Honey, a sweet fluid produced by honeybees from flowering plant nectar, comes in over 320 kinds and is used as a natural sweetener, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial agent. Honey could decrease the risk of heart disease, suppress coughs, improve gastrointestinal tract disorders, and provide antidepressant, anticonvulsant, and anti-anxiety benefits, according to research. Organic honey will be called in different names in different regions like Raw honey, natural honey, Pure honey, best honey, local honey, real honey and original honey. Organic honey is always safe to consume for adults and children older than age 1, as it is beneficial in treating burns, coughs, and many other conditions.

Raw honey may also aid in the prevention of memory issues. The application of medical-grade organic honey to wounds, particularly burns, has been demonstrated to enhance wound healing. Our ultimate goal will be, our honey's all the beneficials should reach to our clients. That's the reason, we cater the two variants of honey, those are Apis Mellifera and Stingless bee honey. We cater the natural honey according to your labelling either in glass bottles or pet bottles based on your desired quantity.

Specification of the product:
Packaging size 100 gm, 200 gm, 500 ml and 1 litre
Packaging type Glass bottle and pet bottle
Sugar Min 65% sugar content
Water invaluable Max 0.1% solids content
Honey variants Apis Mellifera and Stingless bee honey
Form Gel
Usage Personal, cosmetics, medicine and food
Shelf life 18 months

Nisarga Exim offers Organic honey, Raw honey, natural honey, pure honey, best honey, local honey, real honey, best raw honey and original honey.

Organic honey is a golden treasure crafted by bees and offers more than just sweetness. It's a natural source of energy, packed with antioxidants and beneficial properties.

What are the uses of Organic Honey?

There are so many uses of pure honey as it is beneficial for your body. Here are the uses of the pure honey:-

1. Antioxidant Powеrhousе: real honеy is high in antioxidants, which protеct your cеlls from damagе and promotе gеnеral hеalth.

2. Soothing Sorе Throats: best honey has long bееn usеd as a rеmеdy for sorе throats and coughs due to its antibactеrial qualitiеs. For a soothing and еffеctivе natural curе, combinе it with warm watеr or tеa.

3. Wound Rеpair: local honеy functions as a natural wound hеalеr whеn appliеd topically. Its antimicrobial qualitiеs form a protеctivе barriеr, еncouraging spееdiеr hеaling and lowеring infеction risk.

4. Enеrgy Boostеr: Best raw honеy is a natural sugar that providеs an instant еnеrgy boost, making it a grеat prе-workout or midday pick-mе-up. Its complеx carbs provide long-lasting еnеrgy without a crash.

5. Digestive Aid: Original honey promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which improves digestion. A tablespoon before meals may help relieve discomfort and improve digestive health overall.

6. Skin Nutrition: Honey is another good moisturizing and antimicrobial properties shine through when used in skincare. It can moisturize the face, minimize acne, and impart a natural glow, making it an adaptable addition to beauty regimes.

What are the benefits of using Organic honey?

There are so many benefits of organic honey which offers you relief in many ways. However, here are some of the benefits:-

1. Relieving Sickness: When you're feeling under the weather, Organic honey performs like a superhero. It relieves sore throats and coughs, making you feel better.

2. Wound healing: raw honey works like a charm on your skin. It promotes wound healing and maintains your skin healthy and pleasant.

3. Increases Energy: natural honey contains natural sugars that provide a rapid energy boost. It's as if you have small helpers who keep you active without making you exhausted later.

4. Helps to clear your gut: pure honey helps your stomach function properly, preventing that unpleasant bloated feeling. A teaspoon before meals can help keep your stomach happy.

5. Natural and Delicious: best Honey is a natural and pleasant delight for your body. It protects your skin, improves your energy, and keeps your stomach full. A spoonful of honey is like giving oneself a tasty and nutritious treat!

Thus, local honey can help you in several ways, you can include the consumption of honey in your daily life and this gives you the benefits.

How is Organic honey extracted?

The extraction of Organic honey is a complex skill that combines human creativity with complicated bees. Beekeepers approach colonies with caution, employing traditional methods such as using smoke to soothe bees and conceal alarm pheromones. Following the removal of honey-filled frames, the extraction procedure takes place in the honey house, where combs are uncapped to show the honey.

To reveal the liquid gold, specimens ranging from heated knives to contemporary machinery are employed. The frames are subsequently transported to the honey extractor, which employs centrifugal force to remove honey from the comb. After that, the liquid sunshine is sieved to remove any remaining beeswax or contaminants, resulting in a pure and unadulterated product. The end product is a jar full of natural honey, demonstrating the symbiotic link.

How to store the Organic honey?

Storing real honey is easy, and you can keep it tasty and fresh by following a few simple steps. First, find a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight, like a cupboard or a container. Make sure the lid is tightly closed to keep out moisture and air. Original honey doesn't like temperature changes, so avoid putting it in the fridge; it's safe at room temperature.

Use a clean, dry spoon every time you dip into the honey jar. By doing this, you prevent the honey from being contaminated with water or germs. Don't worry if you’re your honey crystallizes and becomes a bit thick. If you place the raw honey jar in a bowl of warm water, it will become smooth again.

Pollen or wax may sometimes be found in organic honey, and no problem at all. This is a sign that your honey is pure and natural. On the label, you will find the expiration date, so keep an eye out for that, although If stored properly, pure honey can be last for a long time.

We at the Nisarga Exim offers you the best quality organic honey. We understand the needs of our clients. Client satisfaction is at most important for us. The real honey only can fulfil all your needs. We cater the two varinats of honey, those are Apis Mellifera and Stingless bee honey. We cater the organic honey according to customized packaging and labelling at your desired quantity to your location.

Choose our organic products, for healthy living....

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